Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Biking Plans for 2012

Written on December 14.......Not a lot of good days for biking this time of year. I did get in 3 days last week, including a 25 mile ride with brother in law, Adam McCullough. But right night, I'm trying to shake a cold that's had me queezie and coughing since Sunday. No rides this week.
This time of year, I have lots of time to day dream about cycling. Got 3 goals in mind for 2012. I think one area that I need to work on is more consistent biking. I'll sometimes lay off a 2-3 weeks, then get on and do a 40-50 mile ride. I need to be more consistent, do 3 or so rides a week, even if it's for an hour or less.
So thinking, a good goal for 2012 would be to see how many days I can ride. Shoot for 150 days (less than 3 per week). That's goal #1.
Goal #2, in the spring, I'd like to do about a week long ride to visit my friend Robert in Batesville. I've looked at maps, think the route I'd like to try would be to go to Harrison, Yellville, south of Mountain Home, then to Batesville. On the return home, ride to Mt Ida, then head north to Yellville and back home. I've never done a spring tour. Three reasons....I'm busier in the spring, I'm not in as good of shape, and there's a good chance of getting wet or even storms. I'd camp the entire trip.
Goal #3, do a September ride of at least 2 weeks. I've done rides of 4 days, 2 of 6 days, and on 2 occasions, 7 days. I'm ready to tackle a longer ride. The idea I'm tossing around right now, is to head out on my bike, camping gear and all, then have Lajunta and Jerrie catch up with me a week or so later. Then ride one more week with Jerrie. I'd take what's known as the TransAmerica trail, which is a route used my many cross-country riders. It goes across southern Missouri (just north of Springfield). My idea would be to ride from home, the head east on the trail. In 2 weeks, should be able to get about half way across Kentucky.

Ride Across Arkansas, Sept 24-29, 2011. Day 1 through day 4.

Note: Click on photos to enlarge them. To speed up loading of photos, days 5 through 7 are listed as separate stories. Just follow links at bottom of each page to follow. 

Twice I've ridden across Iowa as part of their annual RAGBRAI. I decided it was time I needed to see my home state at 10mph. Told my wife, I wasn't going to do RAGBRAI again, until I rode across Arkansas. So on Saturday afternoon, September 24th, we started riding at the Arkansas/Missouri state line, at Blue Eye, MO. My riding partner for the ride is our family friend, Jerrie Joubert. My wife has always claimed Jerrie as her adopted sister. We've known Jerrie and her husband, Scot, for many years. Our kids were about the same age as there kids. My wife is not a cyclist, but a very willing SAG support person. "SAG" is short for "Support And Gear", in other words, the person who hauls our supplies. She'll be driving the car, meeting us for lunch, and at the end of the day meet us for our over-night lodging.
If you have any questions, corrections, or comments and would like to contact me, my email is:

Day 1, Saturday,  September 24:  Blue Eye, MO to Batavia, AR
Map of day 1:
Blue Eye, MO is just 5 miles from my home in Oak Grove, AR. My wife, Lajunta drove Jerrie and I to Blue Eye, where she did the ceremonial photos at the state line signs. Was a festive beginning, as it was the annual "Blue Eye Reunion". So the Blue Eye city park was full of vendors, musicians, and spectators. We didn't leave Blue Eye until about 3:30, as Saturday morning was the second annual St John's bicycle ride in Berryville, which I help organize.
From Blue Eye, we rode on hwy 21 to Oak Grove From there we took hwy 103 to Green Forest, where we turn onto hwy 62E to Alpena. A couple miles past Alpena, we turned right onto 392 to Batavia. We only did 30.47 miles. It's not a race for us (which is good, since I'm more of a "clydesdale" on a bike, not a "thoroughbred"). Was great riding weather. Lajunta picked us up at the convenience store in Batavia. It was nicely decorated for fall. We returned home for the night. Plans were to resume next morning, and head towards Jasper. Took some fun photos of the Batavia store.
Mileage today, approximately 30 miles.